O.K. It grew on me.I have to be honest and re do my first rather scathing review. After a day typing in my asian vacation I grew to see this apps potential. Be warned though, this app crashes ALL the time. I mean, put in an entry then quit out to ensure it saves otherwise-bye bye last entry. This is is the first app for the iPhone where I found myself tapping the glass hard with gritted teeth - its quirky. Would it be that hard to put in a flight time( not just date)-I mean thats kind important. And how about putting in major airlines first. I got sick of digging through Uganda air and Ullawoolu air just to get to United! What about an alarm/ping built in-aka iCal.maybe also some more imoji? Symbols to break up the event entry so you can instantly see what the event is; (eg:church/temple/ruins/beach-stuff you do on vacation) symbols so you see what the event is. Can you get the numbers/websites of the hotels etc to link? I couldnt.
Like I said, it grows on you. Past the quirky data entry - I look forward to rev 2 as long as I dont have to re enter all my info.
doonkin about Trips Pro